Wednesday, June 03, 2009

The Green Smoothie Experiment Guidelines:

 Welcome to this fun and easy experiment/ experience I have been re-inspired to do. This is my second time drinking green smoothies in this capacity since I started drinking them two years ago.  I’ll usually have at least 1-2 cups of GS a day, but I usually alternate between kale and spinach.

 Now, I am back on the wagon because I want to get in different kinds of  greens on a regular basis and what better to way to stay motivated to get my drink on than to bring some friends in.


 ·      Drink one quart or 4 cups of green smoothie daily (you don’t have to drink the whole thing at once. I usually drink my quart over the course of a day

·      Diversify your green through rotation: one thing you will learn if you are drinking the same greens everyday, is that you will get tired of GS within the first week or so. The body has a way of letting us know it needs diversity, by developing an aversion or boredom to what is already being consumed. So why not start out by rotating your greens for example: kale, spinach, collards, chard, romaine, watercress-a different green for each day and do that all over again the following week.  However you go at it, remember to diversify your greens.

·      The smoothies are in addition to your current diet. This is not a substitute for your current meals, although I find that when I am drinking GS on this level, I am fully easier and for longer on GS.

 One book that I love and that inspired me to drink Green Smoothies is “Green For Life” by Victoria Boutenko. In  “Green for Life” Boutenko breaks down the science behind green smoothies and why they are so important and beneficial to our health.  I HIGHLY recommend it.

 Here are some recipes I have tried:

(these measurements are approximate. You can add more or less according to your taste.)

 Green Smoothie 1

½ bunch kale

1 banana

one mango

1 tablespoon of flax seed or coconut oil (optional)

2 cups water or coconut water


Green Smoothie 2 (contributed by Brandi)           

½-1 bunch (or more…the more the better) swiss chard

1 apple

1 cup berries (mixed or your choice)

1 mango or 1 banana



Things I like to add to my smoothies:

Nuts and Seeds



Goji berries



Bee Pollen

 To add more sweetness to your smoothie (if you’re like me ) I would recommend that you use either raw honey or agave nectar.  If you don’t have either of these, maple syrup would be your next best option.


