Sunday, August 12, 2007

This was my journal entry to mark my 1-year anniversary of being raw.


Today is the 366th day that I have been raw. It has been a year since I made a commitment to fulfill my potential. A few days ago a friend said that this was a testament to who I am. And she is right. It is a testament of my commitment to bettering myself so that I can create a healthy environment for my future children, so that they too can fulfill their potential.

So much has happened in the last year. Graduate school is going well. I don’t think it would have gone this well without me being raw. I have so much to look back on and appreciate and so much to look forward to. There is so much to achieve and work for. This is the beginning of a new year where I will move further to achieving my full potential.

These are the changes that I noticed in the last year because of the raw diet:

  1. I have lost weight. Probably 30 pounds or so, I am not sure. It happened slower than when I was raw the 1st time. I think because of the stress from graduate school. I still have some weight too loose. But one thing that I love about being raw is that my body gets this amazing shape. It’s very feminine. I can move mountains with these hips.
  2. My eyes are clearer. They kinda sparkle. My vision is still the same. Hopefully that will improve a little over time.
  3. My menstruation cycle is 1 day shorter and I feel less discomfort. Now I can feel it coming about 2 days prior, and a few minutes before it actually starts.
  4. My skin glows. It is pretty amazing. I just have this glow. My face is also becoming clearer and smoother.
  5. My BO is horrific. Its means that I am detoxing, but my sweat is like cologne.
  6. My temperament is pretty stable. However, the stress from graduate school keeps my mood slightly fluctuating. Especially on the first day of my cycle. My body goes into hibernation, and if I don’t have time to sleep, it can be a dangerous situation (just kidding!). But overall, I am happy pretty much all of the time.
  7. In terms of sleeping, nothing has changed. I still like 8.5 hours. However, there was a period of time when 9-9.5 hours was good. So maybe I need less sleep.
  8. My stool is very regular. At least once a day, if you wanted to know. And all floaters!

I would like to commit the next year to bringing my mind to the present state. I want to present so that I can truly experience life, be there for others, and experience how I truly am. I want that. I want that patience and happiness in my life.

Here are some before and after pictures.

My first day raw

1st month raw

2.5 months raw

3.5 months raw

4.5 months raw

7 months raw

10 months raw

11 months raw

11.5 months raw




YOu are soooo beaautiful!!!!!

Becca Campbell said...

Wow, what an amazing transformation! I should've taken pictures like that! Instead, I just recently noticed I look different at all.
You radiate!

this is fascinating -- and i love the history in pictures! i have to agree, you look radiant (grad school stress or no).

your blog is very interesting! thanks for sharing.